Sunday, February 13, 2011


Again...or is it still...
my knitting needles have been calling me.
I even produced a few items this winter.
But it feels like an indulgence.
To sit and make knots in yarn.
I mean, it doesn't really need to be done.
Producing knitting is not being productive.

I have a love/hate relationship with productivity. 
I want to be able to just "be" (or at least knit and be),
but then my mind starts working,
and I keep thinking of things I could be doing,
or could have done,
and then I can't "be" at all.

It's not like I'm ever really all that productive.
But I do have an appropriate amount of guilt over it.
Or is it inappropriate?

Recently I told someone that I my day had been particularly productive
and that productivity made me feel good.
And in reply I heard, "as if productivity were the meaning of life."
Yeah.  Snicker.  I know.  Snicker.

It's not?

I need some help with this one.
How do I resolve it?


Unknown said...

Love the knitted bow scarf. Lovely.

Jenny Moore said...

Your scarves are so beautiful...I'd say that is productive!!!

Quiltgirl said...

I have to re-re-re-read this blog. and think about it. not this morning. I need to go back to bed now (or remember why I got up at 3 AM to get on the computer). Love the scarf. I don't know why I'm surprised that you finished it already. Maybe not surprised. Impressed.